Restorative Dentistry

How To Get Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Antelope, CA We can use implants to anchor crowns, bridges, or dentures. Dental implants are the strongest treatment method available to replace missing teeth, and typically it is a two-step process. First, we use a medical-grade titanium implant as a replacement root. Then, we use the implants to anchor restorations like crowns, bridges, or dentures. The results? Patients who receive implants can expect greatly improved chewing ability, [...]

How To Get Dental Implants2021-02-09T08:00:44-08:00

Chronic Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)

Dry Mouth Can Be Harmful Oral health includes a healthy flow of saliva. Dry mouth (also called xerostomia) is usually just a short term symptom of dehydration. However, if reduced saliva flow becomes a chronic issue, it can lead to more serious dental problems. That's because saliva coats teeth to provide a protective layer against bacteria, so reduced saliva leaves teeth more vulnerable to cavities and tooth decay. Anyone can [...]

Chronic Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)2020-11-03T08:00:09-08:00

The Good News About a Root Canal

Root Canal Therapy Halts Pain Many patients associate "root canal" with pain. In fact, this procedure is about pain relief. Toothache/tooth pain is commonly due to the buildup of pressure inside an infected tooth. When the nerve is damaged, conventional fillings won't stop the pain. The answer is to remove the nerve within the tooth without removing the tooth itself. That's what a "root canal" does, and opening the tooth's [...]

The Good News About a Root Canal2020-10-27T08:00:29-07:00

Do You Have TMJ Pain?

Helping You Solve TMJ Pain Some 10 million people suffer from some form of TMJ Disorder: from clicking or popping whenever they yawn, to intense migraine-like pain in the area around their ears. The temporomandibular joint is the hinge between your jaw and skull. The bone and muscles permit your jaw to move—not just up and down, but left and right, in and out. This kind of complexity is what [...]

Do You Have TMJ Pain?2020-09-15T08:00:23-07:00

Dentures so Natural Looking…

Only Your Dentist Knows For Sure! With so many advances in modern dentistry, fewer people need full dentures. But for those that do have missing teeth, dentures and partials are more natural-looking and discreet than ever. We can customize a complete restoration to fit your appearance (including considerations for skin, hair, and eye color) or blend partials to match remaining natural teeth. As you age (and particularly if you wear [...]

Dentures so Natural Looking…2020-08-04T08:00:01-07:00

Find Relief for Sensitive Teeth

Do You Have Tooth Sensitivity? Tooth sensitivity can range from a mild annoyance to sudden severe pain. Most often triggered by hot, cold, sweet, or sour foods, those with the condition may or may not have visible cavities or damage present. That's why it often takes a dentist to determine the cause. If you're suffering from pain due to tooth sensitivity, don't wait any longer. Contact us today to schedule [...]

Find Relief for Sensitive Teeth2020-07-28T08:00:23-07:00

TMJ Symptoms

Know the Warning Signs! TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, which is the connecting joint between the jawbone and skull. When muscles, jawbone, and teeth all operate properly, biting and chewing is coordinated to be smooth and pain-free. Sometimes, however, things can get "out of whack." When teeth don't line up properly in the upper or lower jaws, the extra muscular stress causes muscle and jaw pain. Symptoms range from mild [...]

TMJ Symptoms2020-06-02T08:00:20-07:00

Crowns & Bridges: How They Work

A missing tooth is more than just a hindrance to normal chewing, and more than a cosmetic bother. It's a threat to the entire architecture of your mouth. The mouth is dynamic. Where there is a missing tooth, neighboring teeth drift, gum disease may crop up, even the unprotected bone ridge is susceptible to damage. So replacing a missing tooth with a bridge, or repairing a broken down tooth with [...]

Crowns & Bridges: How They Work2020-04-21T08:00:27-07:00

“Is it a Cavity?”

Or something else... While most people think a toothache automatically means a cavity (or the need for a root canal), several other conditions can also cause temperature sensitivity, pain during chewing, and other symptoms typically associated with a toothache. Here are some of those causes: Gum Recession. When patients experience gum recession (which can be caused by periodontal disease, genetics, or neglect) the root surfaces of teeth are exposed. This [...]

“Is it a Cavity?”2020-04-14T08:00:23-07:00

Do You Have Dry Mouth?

Dehydration and Dry Mouth can Affect Oral Health If you only occasionally find yourself with a dry mouth, then it's probably nothing to worry about. It's just a natural sign of being thirsty. However, if the lack of saliva flow becomes a chronic condition, then it can become a dental issue. That's because saliva has an important function in the mouth. It provides lubrication when eating and chewing foods, and [...]

Do You Have Dry Mouth?2020-01-14T08:00:56-08:00
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