
Heart Disease and Dental Care

Do I need to take an antibiotic before my dental appointment? Patients who have had rheumatic fever, heart murmur, heart valve replacement or orthopedic joint replacement are at risk for a condition called infectious endocarditis. The American Dental Association recommends these patients take a “pre-med” prior to dental work. Here’s why: Bacteria which normally inhabit a mouth can get into your bloodstream during the simplest dental procedure. When that bacteria [...]

Heart Disease and Dental Care2023-12-22T15:11:58-08:00

Antibiotics before Dental Procedures?

Know the Guidelines If in the past your doctor has prescribed antibiotics before you had dental work, don't assume that your future holds more such meds. The guidelines may have changed since your last appointment… so check with your family doctor or cardiologist to learn if premedication is necessary for you. For years the American Heart Association (AHA) recommended an antibiotic regime before dentistry for certain heart patients. But recently [...]

Antibiotics before Dental Procedures?2017-11-07T00:00:16-08:00

The War on Germs: Are We Winning? Should we be?

Homicide: bad word. It means killing another human being. Germicide? For many, good word. It promises to kill what are hated and feared most in this super-sanitary era: germs. Germ is sort of a catchall that refers to any microorganism we can't actually see. That's sort of like referring to every non-human living thing as an animal: elephants, mosquitoes, salmon, vultures. Fact is, there are only a few bad actors [...]

The War on Germs: Are We Winning? Should we be?2016-07-26T00:00:29-07:00
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