
Adult Fluoride Treatments

Topical Fluoride Treatments in Antelope, CA No matter your age, fluoride helps prevent cavities, tooth decay, and periodontal disease. Fluoride helps create healthy teeth, and it's not just for kids—adults need fluoride too! Every day, acidic foods and drinks threaten to erode tooth enamel. Bacteria as well, can produce acid and dissolve the enamel on a microscopic level. (A process that is known as Demineralization.) Fortunately, our body fights back [...]

Adult Fluoride Treatments2020-11-10T08:00:52-08:00

Should You Use Mouthwash?

The Answer is... Maybe! Mouthwash, or mouth rinses, are primarily used to remove food debris after brushing and flossing. They provide a pleasant taste, freshen the breath, and (depending on the active ingredient) can also protect against plaque & bacteria, periodontal disease, and/or cavities. So should everyone use mouthwash? Not exactly. Some people who use it will see only marginal benefits over brushing and flossing alone. Furthermore, repeated use of [...]

Should You Use Mouthwash?2020-07-14T08:00:32-07:00

Developing Good Habits

To Protect Children's Teeth Food & Drink Eating and drinking habits are the biggest factors in preventing childhood cavities. But, just as important as what children eat, is when they eat it. To encourage positive eating habits and prevent cavities, limit eating time to 4 or 5 periods during the day (rather than continuous snacking). By reducing the amount of time that food directly contacts teeth, you help reduce the [...]

Developing Good Habits2020-06-09T08:00:19-07:00

Seal the Deal…

...With Dental Sealants! Prevent Cavities & Tooth Decay Molars and premolars have large chewing surfaces where crevices naturally form. Here, bacteria thrive, and cavities occur. Dental sealant is a clear composite resin that is "painted" on back teeth to act as a physical barrier to decay-causing bacteria. For children and adolescents (who may not always practice proper oral hygiene) this helps prevent cavities and preserve dental health during these formative [...]

Seal the Deal…2020-05-19T08:00:19-07:00

Choosing Breakfast

For Better Nutrition and Dental Health! It's often said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and there's a lot of truth behind it. Though the links between eating, blood sugar levels, and performance aren't fully understood, the evidence suggests that eating breakfast boosts energy and attention span in the morning hours. But the benefits depend on the menu. From the standpoint of nutrition and dental health, [...]

Choosing Breakfast2020-04-28T08:00:12-07:00

“Is it a Cavity?”

Or something else... While most people think a toothache automatically means a cavity (or the need for a root canal), several other conditions can also cause temperature sensitivity, pain during chewing, and other symptoms typically associated with a toothache. Here are some of those causes: Gum Recession. When patients experience gum recession (which can be caused by periodontal disease, genetics, or neglect) the root surfaces of teeth are exposed. This [...]

“Is it a Cavity?”2020-04-14T08:00:23-07:00

Tooth Health: Cut out the Carbonation

Soda, Coke, Soft Drinks, Energy Drinks—whatever you call them, they're bad for teeth. You probably know that soft drinks aren't good for you. They are high in sugar and provide little nutrition other than some "empty calories." Even if you enjoy the diet/zero calorie versions, the acid content can be a problem. That's because the carbonation that provides the fizz and bubbles also contains carbonic acid, which can raise the [...]

Tooth Health: Cut out the Carbonation2020-01-21T08:00:55-08:00

About Sugar

We Eat More Than We Think! The only thing good about sugar tastes good! After that, it's all downhill... it's high in calories, provides only a brief increase in energy, and greatly increases the growth of bacteria and tooth decay potential. When Eskimos lived a sugar-free diet, their teeth were perfect. No cavities! Once whalers and traders introduced them to a Western diet, tooth decay skyrocketed. So, while you [...]

About Sugar2019-10-22T08:00:55-07:00

Cavities without Pain?

If It Ain't Broke, Why Fix It? Patients are sometimes surprised when they have a cavity or two and wonder, "How can I need a filling when I haven't been in any pain?" Unfortunately, this is common because cavities often don't give any warning signs at all. Teeth can become extremely broken down and even abscess due to decay and still never hurt. So while it may not be causing [...]

Cavities without Pain?2019-09-24T08:00:01-07:00

Let’s Think About Prevention…

Prevention is the Best Way to Avoid Costly Dental Emergencies We understand that not all emergencies can be avoided, sometimes accidents happen. But skipping check-ups and avoiding the dentist is never a good way to save money. It will only result in more costly treatment needed down the road. Instead, we like to emphasize the value of maintaining your oral health. Just imagine that every time you brush, floss, or [...]

Let’s Think About Prevention…2019-07-23T08:00:40-07:00
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