
Who Wants Whiter Teeth?

Whitening, or bleaching, is a way to lighten teeth without bonding material to the teeth or removing any sound tooth structure. In this respect, it’s one of the most conservative cosmetic procedures we have. Here’s how it works. How does whitening work? Typically for in-office appointments, we'll fit your mouth with a special mouthpiece filled with a whitening solution. Then, a special frequency of light is shown into your mouth [...]

Who Wants Whiter Teeth?2023-12-22T15:15:36-08:00

Worst Drinks For Teeth

Which Drinks Should You Avoid Some of the most harmful substances for your oral health are the drinks we have every day. Even seemingly healthier options can negatively impact teeth, so it's essential to understand the properties of the liquids we consume. Fruit Juice Most people mistakenly believe that fruit juice is a healthy beverage choice. However, even 100% juice is extremely high in naturally occurring sugar. Others, such as [...]

Worst Drinks For Teeth2022-07-26T08:00:53-07:00

Brightening Your Smile…

You Owe It to Yourself Finally achieving a great looking, bright smile can mean a lot. Especially if negative feelings about your smile have been holding you back in life, causing self-consciousness about your overall appearance. Whether you are worried about a job interview, going on a date, or meeting with business clients, there are many instances in which a bright white smile can improve your confidence. Brighten Up Your [...]

Brightening Your Smile…2019-02-19T08:00:34-08:00
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