
Sense about Sensitivity

When teeth hurt, the sooner we reach the root of the problem, the sooner the pain disappears. What triggers tooth pain? Heat, cold, touch, air, sweet or sour foods. If you recently had a cavity filled, that area may be sensitive for awhile. Other causes of sensitivity are: Erosion of tooth enamel. Gum shrinkage down below the crown exposing the cementum beneath, an area sensitive to heat and cold. One [...]

Sense about Sensitivity2023-12-22T15:16:05-08:00

Jaw Pain, Popping, or “Clicking”

Are You Experiencing Jaw Pain? Jaw pain can be a real annoyance. It can be especially disturbing when you have no idea about the cause of the underlying problem. And, since we use our jaws every day for eating and speaking, the pain is usually impossible to ignore. Different symptoms can be warning signs of a particular problem. However, only a visual examination can confirm a diagnosis and determine the [...]

Jaw Pain, Popping, or “Clicking”2023-02-23T08:39:21-08:00

Grinding & Clenching Teeth

Are You Grinding Your Teeth? Tooth grinding (AKA bruxism) can be a big problem Grinding or clenching your teeth is a common stress reaction, and most don't even realize they are doing it. However, it can have a devastating impact on your teeth, especially when it becomes a habit and a go-to response. If you know you have a grinding problem or have other unexplained jaw pain, tooth sensitivity, or [...]

Grinding & Clenching Teeth2022-09-06T08:00:29-07:00

Sensitivity: Causes and Treatment for Teeth

When teeth hurt, you know something is not right. It may be a minor cavity or infection, but one of the common varieties of dental pain is tooth sensitivity. And anyone who experiences it knows it isn't fun. Sensitivity may occur when drinking or eating hot or cold liquids or foods, or whenever pressure is applied when chewing. This recurring pain may be a minor annoyance or a major distraction. [...]

Sensitivity: Causes and Treatment for Teeth2021-12-14T08:00:19-08:00

Cracked Tooth Treatment

Do You Have A Cracked Tooth? Whether superficial, structural, or painful damage, seek treatment now! Anyone who's ever had a cracked tooth can tell you that it can be a distressing situation. However, tooth cracks (fractures) are easily fixable with a range of effective and modern options. Call us today at (916) 331-6288 to schedule an appointment! What causes a cracked tooth? Cracked teeth can result from many different situations. [...]

Cracked Tooth Treatment2021-08-17T08:00:43-07:00

Gum Recession Causes & Effects

Why Gum Recession Matters Healthy gums are crucial to healthy teeth! Gum recession is one of the signs of poor oral health, and it can also cause direct problems to teeth. If you have ongoing gum problems or periodontal disease, call our office today at (916) 331-6288. Healthy teeth receive protection from a layer of enamel, which is the hardest substance in the human body. However, this only covers the [...]

Gum Recession Causes & Effects2021-04-27T08:00:24-07:00

Night Guards for Teeth Grinding

Protective Dental Night Guards in Antelope Custom-fitted night guards to protect teeth from nighttime grinding (bruxism). Bruxism is the clenching or grinding of teeth. It's a fairly common habit with about 1 in 3 exhibiting the behavior, yet most don't even realize they're affected. Many times it occurs while sleeping at night, usually due to elevated stress or anxiety. Grinding at night is especially destructive for teeth. Researchers estimate we [...]

Night Guards for Teeth Grinding2020-11-17T08:00:58-08:00

Do You Have TMJ Pain?

Helping You Solve TMJ Pain Some 10 million people suffer from some form of TMJ Disorder: from clicking or popping whenever they yawn, to intense migraine-like pain in the area around their ears. The temporomandibular joint is the hinge between your jaw and skull. The bone and muscles permit your jaw to move—not just up and down, but left and right, in and out. This kind of complexity is what [...]

Do You Have TMJ Pain?2020-09-15T08:00:23-07:00

Find Relief for Sensitive Teeth

Do You Have Tooth Sensitivity? Tooth sensitivity can range from a mild annoyance to sudden severe pain. Most often triggered by hot, cold, sweet, or sour foods, those with the condition may or may not have visible cavities or damage present. That's why it often takes a dentist to determine the cause. If you're suffering from pain due to tooth sensitivity, don't wait any longer. Contact us today to schedule [...]

Find Relief for Sensitive Teeth2020-07-28T08:00:23-07:00

“Is it a Cavity?”

Or something else... While most people think a toothache automatically means a cavity (or the need for a root canal), several other conditions can also cause temperature sensitivity, pain during chewing, and other symptoms typically associated with a toothache. Here are some of those causes: Gum Recession. When patients experience gum recession (which can be caused by periodontal disease, genetics, or neglect) the root surfaces of teeth are exposed. This [...]

“Is it a Cavity?”2020-04-14T08:00:23-07:00
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