Man Smiling with White TeethOne of the best things about today’s cosmetic dentistry is how dramatically your smile can be enhanced with very simple, conservative procedures. All of us differ in terms of our appetite for cosmetic improvement. But a custom plan can be developed that fits your own particular desire—and comfort level—to a “T.”

A great smile is the sum of its components. These include color, tooth spacing, size, straightness, gum line, and more. As we age, all of these components can be negatively affected: teeth darken, little chips and gaps show up, gum tissue contours grow less than perfect.

There’s no need to settle for this decline—we can help! There’s a whole list of smile repairs we can make that were unheard of in our parent’s time. And the choice of dental materials is, well, wonderful and new.

Remember, wherever you are on your personal timeline, the condition of your teeth, mouth and gums can be improved. We have choices—lots of them. Go for it!

Among Your Options…

Brighter, Whiter Teeth

Ask us about our tooth-whitening procedures. Safe, simple, comfortable—and bound to make a dazzling difference.

Tooth contouring and correcting minor imperfections

Tooth bonding and porcelain laminate veneers lend new form—and youth—to front teeth. These thin, super-strong coatings to natural teeth hide a multitude of defects. And the procedure’s about as stressful as getting your nails done at the manicurist’s.

Tooth-colored fillings

Dental amalgam—metal—has been used for generations to fill cavities with fine practical results. But face it, metal is not a natural component of the mouth. Today a lot of folks are opting to exchange old amalgam fillings for tooth-colored replacements. The natural look boosts both a youthful appearance and self-confidence.

Gum line improvement

Gums play an important esthetic part in a smile, by framing teeth the way a fine frame fits a master’s painting. An asymmetrical gum line has the same impact on teeth that a warped frame would have on the artwork. But correction is possible through a simple cosmetic gum lift. Could you be a candidate?

Orthodontic straightening and correction

Braces? At your age? Today, plenty of adults are believers in braces. Now that you can afford orthodontics, go ahead and fix that overbite!

Tooth Replacements

Tooth implants are a wonderful option for the right candidates—they look and act just like natural teeth.