Antelope Dental Associates

About Antelope Dental Associates

With knowledgeable dentists and friendly team members, there is no better choice than Antelope Dental Associates! We are happily accepting new patients and can surely accommodate all your dental needs! If it’s been a while since your last checkup, schedule an exam, cleaning, and X-rays today. If you have missing teeth or other problems with your smile, we are experts in a wide variety of cosmetic and restorative procedures to improve the health and appearance of your teeth. We understand that each patient has unique circumstances, so please know that we’re here as your partner and advocate to develop a treatment plan that works for you!

Toothpicks: a Pointed Problem

What’s long, slender, hard, sharp, indigestible and potentially hazardous? That common and seemingly harmless sliver of wood called a toothpick. Reports in the Journal of the American Medical Association point to toothpicks as causing thousands of injuries a year, mostly to young children. Youngsters aged five to 14 were most likely to be injured by toothpicks, and children under the age of five were 20 times more likely to seriously [...]

Toothpicks: a Pointed Problem2024-09-04T08:42:36-07:00

Cosmetic Bonding: Your Solution to a Brighter Smile?

While cosmetic bonding is well over 25 years old, improvements in the materials have recently made bonding one of the hottest item in dentistry. Bonding is a procedure in which a white plastic filling can be applied to the natural outer surface of the tooth. We can take a discolored or broken tooth and “glue” a fresh surface on it. Another common concern is spaces between front teeth called diastemsas. [...]

Cosmetic Bonding: Your Solution to a Brighter Smile?2024-09-04T08:42:26-07:00

Facing Chemotherapy?

Tell Your Dentist Anyone facing cancer therapy already knows—chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer is a serious response to a serious condition. What they may not know is that a dental appointment scheduled at least two weeks before treatment begins can reduce the risk of complication and help preserve salivary glands. The reason is this: with radiation treatment and chemotherapy, changes in saliva occur that can encourage decay and dry [...]

Facing Chemotherapy?2024-09-04T08:41:55-07:00

Alcohol and Your Teeth

Dentally speaking, is drinking alcohol a good thing or a bad thing for your teeth and gums? As with everything alcohol related, there are positives and negatives. On one hand, a mixer-free shot of vodka is probably less hazardous than caramel candies, which coat the teeth with a sticky goo that practically begs for cavities. On the other hand, every kind of alcohol—most notoriously drinks with sugary mixes—are chock-full of [...]

Alcohol and Your Teeth2024-09-04T08:41:46-07:00

Open Your Mouth and Say Ahhh

There’s a lot we can learn from looking into your mouth during a routine oral exam. Not only is the oral cavity a mirror of your overall health—it’s a sort of early warning system that helps diagnose everything from malnutrition to diabetes to cancer. If you’re not getting enough Vitamin C or B complex in your diet, there’s a clue: tiny cracks in the lips. Insufficient iron? A burning sensation [...]

Open Your Mouth and Say Ahhh2024-09-04T08:40:02-07:00

Holiday Stocking Stuffers

As you're looking for stocking stuffers this holiday season, the last things you might think to shop for are dental supplies. Although offbeat, many dental home care products make practical, fun Christmas gifts. Here are some ideas: Christmas is a good time to tuck a new toothbrush in everyone’s stocking. We suggest you purchase a soft-tipped brush with curved bristles. Soft bristles won’t scratch tooth surfaces or damage gum tissue. [...]

Holiday Stocking Stuffers2023-12-22T15:11:17-08:00

The Season and the Sweet Tooth

Food has always played a starring role in holiday traditions. From Thanksgiving turkey to the Hanukkah challah to bouche noel, what we eat defines the occasion (and some of our most lingering memories). It’s no wonder that by January, laments about misplaced waistlines ring out as often as “Happy New Year!” But when it comes to holiday feasting, there’s more at stake than shock at the bathroom scales. One obvious [...]

The Season and the Sweet Tooth2024-09-04T08:40:34-07:00

Dental Bridge FAQs

What is a dental bridge? A bridge is a dental appliance that replaces one or more natural missing teeth, thereby "bridging" the space between two teeth. Fixed bridges are cemented into place next to the "abutment" teeth--the surrounding teeth on either side of the space, or "span." Unlike removable partial dentures, bridges are not removable. A bridge is a device that typically consists of three units--a false tooth fused between [...]

Dental Bridge FAQs2023-12-22T15:19:09-08:00

Quitting Chewing Tobacco

Chewing tobacco affects your dental health as well as the rest of your body. If you use smokeless tobacco and have thought about quitting, we can help. How do you kick the habit? We can help you kick your chewing tobacco habit. In addition to cleaning teeth and treating bad breath and puffy, swollen gums associated with tobacco use, we may decide to prescribe a variety of nicotine replacement therapies, [...]

Quitting Chewing Tobacco2023-12-22T15:19:00-08:00

Brushing Tips

What is the best technique for brushing? There are a number of effective brushing techniques. Patients are advised to ask during an appointment to determine which is the best one for them, since tooth position and gum condition vary. One effective, easy-to-remember technique involves using a circular or elliptical motion to brush a couple of teeth at a time, gradually covering the entire mouth. Place a toothbrush beside your teeth [...]

Brushing Tips2023-12-22T15:18:53-08:00
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