
Tooth Watch: Early Detection

Why Early Detection is so Important Wouldn't you say that the best dental treatment is the one you never had to undergo in the first place—because it was caught and corrected in time? We sure would! We’re always on the lookout for a potential problem that can be avoided. That’s why during any checkup, we specialize in early detection to let you know about any problem areas we might see, [...]

Tooth Watch: Early Detection2023-12-22T15:17:05-08:00

Sense about Sensitivity

When teeth hurt, the sooner we reach the root of the problem, the sooner the pain disappears. What triggers tooth pain? Heat, cold, touch, air, sweet or sour foods. If you recently had a cavity filled, that area may be sensitive for awhile. Other causes of sensitivity are: Erosion of tooth enamel. Gum shrinkage down below the crown exposing the cementum beneath, an area sensitive to heat and cold. One [...]

Sense about Sensitivity2023-12-22T15:16:05-08:00

5 Ways to Protect Children’s Teeth at Home

Parents typically provide oral hygiene care until the child is old enough to take personal responsibility for the daily dental health routine of brushing and flossing. A proper regimen of home preventive care for children's teeth is important from the day your child is born. Clean your infant's gums with a clean, damp cloth. Ask your dentist if you may rub a tiny dab of toothpaste on the gums. As [...]

5 Ways to Protect Children’s Teeth at Home2023-12-22T15:11:34-08:00

Tooth Decay: A Preventable Disease

What is tooth decay, and what causes it? Tooth decay is the disease known as caries or cavities. It is not life threatening and is although it is highly preventable, it will affect most people to some degree during their lifetime. Tooth decay occurs when your teeth are frequently exposed to foods containing carbohydrates (starches and sugars) like soda pop, candy, ice cream, milk, cakes, and even fruits, vegetables and [...]

Tooth Decay: A Preventable Disease2023-05-09T12:16:25-07:00

Putting the Squeeze on Toothpaste

Why is brushing with it important? Brushing with toothpaste is important for several reasons. First and foremost, a toothpaste and a correct brushing action work to remove plaque, a sticky, harmful film of bacteria that grows on your teeth that causes caries, gum disease, and eventual tooth loss if not controlled. Second, the toothpaste contains fluoride, which makes the entire tooth structure more resistant to decay and promotes remineralization, which [...]

Putting the Squeeze on Toothpaste2023-05-09T12:12:16-07:00

7 Everyday Tips for Whiter Teeth

Here are some simple, everyday tips that can improve your oral health and give you whiter teeth! Cut out the stain-causing food. Some of the biggest culprits for stained teeth are the foods we eat or drink. Typically, anything with a dark color will likely affect your teeth. These include things like coffee, red wine, and even dark sodas and juices. If you can't bear to do away with these [...]

7 Everyday Tips for Whiter Teeth2023-05-09T12:11:16-07:00

Do You Have Old Fillings?

If you have old fillings, that will be one of the things we check on whenever you come in for an appointment. We'll examine your teeth to ensure that the damage or decay has not progressed any further. A filling is a tried-and-true method for fixing a cavity and preventing further damage to the tooth. When you have a small cavity, you probably won't even notice the difference initially. But, [...]

Do You Have Old Fillings?2023-04-16T12:55:35-07:00

Do You Have Gum Recession?

What is Gum Recession? Gum recession is a condition in which gum tissue shrinks/retracts/disappears over time. The result is that teeth appear longer and exposed. Superficially, this might look unsightly, but it can also cause sensitivity, discomfort, and other problems. If left untreated, recession can lead to cavities and, eventually, tooth loss. It may be easy to take steps to prevent gum recession. But, because it happens slowly over time, [...]

Do You Have Gum Recession?2023-02-23T08:40:27-08:00

Dental Sealants: Are They Worth It?

What are dental sealants? Dental sealants are a thin, liquid coating that hardens onto teeth to cover their high-risk, vulnerable areas. Commonly used as prevention in children and adolescents, the sealants are applied to the chewing surfaces of teeth. (Particularly the large, rear teeth called molars.) The sealant itself is a composite resin. We apply a thin layer to the treatment area and then use a special light to "cure" [...]

Dental Sealants: Are They Worth It?2022-11-20T19:27:38-08:00

Wisdom Teeth: Should They Stay Or Go?

Why Get Rid of Wisdom Teeth? Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars at the very back of the mouth. They appear in late adolescence, at about ages 17 to 25, depending on the individual. The problem is that most people simply don't have enough room to accommodate these extra teeth. When wisdom teeth are "impacted," it means they are causing problems for neighboring teeth, possibly disrupting their alignment. [...]

Wisdom Teeth: Should They Stay Or Go?2022-11-20T19:23:14-08:00
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